Monday, June 20, 2011

Donut for Dad

First, I am so glad we have Father's Day.  I am lucky enough to have a great dad in my life.  And be married to a man who is a great dad, he too has a great dad.  I am always grateful for the dads in my life, but not always as verbal as I could be.  So just so you guys know I love you, thank you for all you do!

The hubby had been talking last year about the Giant Donut cake pan.  So for Christmas the boys gave him the pan so we could make him one.  Here we are 6 months later and he finally got his Giant Pink Sprinkle Donut.  It had to be pink with sprinkles...If you are thinking of the Homer Simpson similarity, you would be correct.  For as long as I have known Jerret he has loved pink donuts and Homer J. Simpson.  He may be as funny as Homer, but he's  a much better Husband/ Dad!

 Here is it before being frosted.  I was very careful to follow the icing pattern.  But Hubs corrected me, telling me that donuts don't look like that.  And took over smoothing out the sides, lol, I love it.  This donut was serious business!  The boys had fun adding the sprinkles.
 Now this is a donut!

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