Thursday, March 31, 2011

My New Hobby

And we can blame Grandma P.!  For Dallin's last birthday he received a kit to make balloon animals.  We just opened it two days ago,{and yes I know his next birthday is in 10 days.}

So finally instead of hiding it, like I've done for the past year every time it managed to be re-found, I looked up how to make balloon swords.

After about 6 swords, the boys convinced me today that they needed parrots.  So, I googled that (what on Earth did mom's do before google??!!)   And what do you I can do parrots too! {click HERE for video}  And I am thinking this is pretty fun.  And I like making balloon animals!  In fact I plan on making swords for Dallin's pirate party next month...and I am looking forward to it!

I even got Jerret in on the excitement, and he took over on the first try of the parrot, basically after the first two steps.  But I got to make the second {purple}one!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week

Yesterday was a special lunch for teachers because JC's school is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week.
I had the opportunity again this year to spend lunch with JC and his class while his teachers had an extra 30 minute lunch.  This year I did a full door decoration.  I was really happy with last years, but I think I liked this one even better.
In gold on the large bumble bee it read, "Mrs. Remkus and Ms. Rowe Are the Bees Knees."
Then in the colorful letters is says, "Thank You for helping us bloom!"  Each flower has a picture of one of the students, they wrote their names and decorated them to make them a little more personal.  It was a lot of fun!

Peeps Cake

My mom needed to decorate a cake for her Relief Society Meeting. She and I were bouncing ideas off each other and I mentioned peeps would be really cute. She totally took they idea and ran with it. I LOVE what she came up with, a peep flower cake! It may still be snowing in McCall, ID but she brought a little much needed Spring to the sisters of her ward!