Friday, April 10, 2009

My first attempt at Marshmallow Fondant

I have to admit I am pretty proud of myself. It was my first time making and using MM (marshmallow fondant.) My friend Becky made a really fun cake for her daughters birthday with MM and she was nice enough to get me started on my attempt. I started the process on Wednesday of sketching out what I wanted the cake to look like and then making the MM and coloring individual balls in the colors I would need. Yesterday I baked two cakes in 4 different pans then froze them. Today was the day to bring it all together.
D. loves Rocket from Disney's Little Einsteins but I didn't want a "Rocket" cake. I decided on a Little Einsteins Pirate adventure instead.

So finally here it is my first attempt at MM.
here it is "naked."

And here it is finished.